French Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Sebastien Parratte one of the world’s recognized pioneers in Robotic Orthopedic & Knee Arthroplasty Surgeries is available at International Knee & Joint Center using the latest medical technology – Rosa Robot

Dr. Charles H. Brown Jr. & Ronald van Hawarden perform life surgeries at Pune Knee Course in April 2019.
IKJC is the educational partner of the 9th Pune Knee Course and the 3rd Pune Knee Rehab Course.

Dr. Ronald J. van Heerwaarden & Professor Sebastien Parratte Both giving a lectureinLondon Knee Osteotomyconference

A strong collaboration between International Knee & Joint Centre “IKJC” in Abu Dhabi and the Institute for Locomotion in France to share the clinical, research, teaching and innovation experiences in Knee surgery.

Abu Dhabi, August, 8th 2018 The First Persona® Partial Knee (PPK) is done at IKJC
- The First Persona® Partial Knee (PPK) is done in the Middle-East at the International Knee Joint Centre #IKJC in Abu Dhabi.

International Knee Surgeons Gather for First of Its Kind Event in UAE Symposium Featuring Live Arthroscopic Knee Surgeries Hosted by Dr Charles H Brown Jr

Human Tissue Bank in Abu Dhabi :
IKJC established a tissue bank for allograft tendons used in knee ligament reconstruction surgery and revision ligament reconstruction or in patients with multiple ligament deficiency whom need surgeries such as :
- ACL “anterior cruciate ligament” Surgeries” .
- Revision ACL “anterior cruciate ligament” Surgeries”.
- PCL “posterior cruciate ligament” Surgeries
Emirates Sports Medicine Summit
Location: Park Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Speakers: Dr. Charles and Fabrizio
Anatomic ACL reconstruction Techniques. In Sports Injuries, 2nd edition, Springer Verlag in press.
Invited international faculty, Complex Knee Course, Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Centre, London, Ontario, Canada.
Invited international faculty, Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery, Izmir, Turkey
Chairman, Dublin Knee Sport Injury Course, Dublin, Ireland
Invited international faculty, Vail International Complex Knee Symposium, Vail, CO, USA
Faculty, Anatomic ACL Reconstruction Instructional Course, Annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA
Invited international faculty, Cadaveric Knee Instructional Course, Utrecht, Netherlands
Faculty, Smith and Nephew Endoscopy Cadaveric Knee Workshop for Chinese surgeons, Andover, MA
Invited international faculty, Cadaveric Knee Instructional Course, Utrecht, Netherlands

Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction book chapter in Knee Surgery, ed, Ashok Rajgopal, Publisher, Jaypee
Chairman & faculty, Smith & Nephew Knee Course, Istanbul, Turkey
Invited Faculty, Smith & Nephew: Save the Meniscus Course, York, UK
Management of ACL Injuries in Athletes: Technical Considerations of ACL Reconstruction – Tibial and Femoral tunnel placement. ESSKA DVD

Femoral bone tunnel placement (arthroscopic and fluoroscopic) book chapter, published in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Practical Guide, eds, Rainer Siebold, David Dejour, Stefano Zaffagnini. Publisher, Springer
Smith & Nephew Booth presentation, 5 and 6-strand hamstring graft preparation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Chairman, Smith & Nephew Anatomic ACL Reconstruction Workshop, ESSKA Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chairman & faculty for Smith and Nephew Endoscopy Cadaveric Knee Training Workshop for Chinese surgeons, Andover, MA
Presentation ACL Study Group Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa
Conducted 1st ACL tunnel placement study at an ACL Study Group Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa
Knee Repair Chairman, Smith and Nephew Global Insights: The Future of Hip & Knee Surgery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Program Chairman, Smith and Nephew Global Advanced Master Knee Course, York, UK
Invited international faculty, Knee Sports Injury Course, Georges on the Park, UK
Invited international faculty, 6th Fall Meeting, TUSYAD (Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy & Knee Surgery), Istanbul, Turkey
Program Chairman and faculty, Knee Sports Injury Course, Dublin, Ireland
Anatomic ACL Reconstruction presentation, Smith and Nephew Workshop, ISAKOS Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Smith & Nephew Booth presentation, “Meniscal repair”, ISAKOS Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Program Chairman and faculty, Smith & Nephew Endoscopy Workshop: Anatomic ACL Reconstruction: A Global Perspective, ISAKOS Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Presentation, Anatomic ACL Reconstruction, ASPETAR, Doha, Qatar
Faculty, Arab Health Orthopaedic Conference, Dubai, UAE

Publication, Medial portal technique for single-bundle anatomical anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Journal, International Orthopaedic (SICOT)